Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter Wonderland

Ohhhh winter,

Wow, you have outdone yourself this year! This has truly been a winter that I will never forget.  I remember the storm back in 2009 during undergrad and how we all were stuck in the house for 3 full days… cabin fever for sure.  However,   I am grateful for this time off because I have been able to spend quality time with family and catch up on some personal time with the Lord…and if you look at my new year resolutions below, that was 2 goals of mine.  Now, I just have to keep it up!   

There’s only so much you can do around the house… I enjoy going to work, being out in the community and going to the gym! I really don’t watch a lot of television but here lately that’s been the move.  Lord, I am grateful for all seasons but I am excited for the spring to come!! 

When boredom strikes.....

I have been glued on the couch…. Mehhh but this hot chocolate was so delishhh.

  I am excited for my friends 25th birthday next month! We’re flying to Miami and going on a cruise to the Bahamas.  Now, I am pretty adventurous but this will be a huge step for me considering I will be stuck on a boat! lol..I know we will have fun and it will be something else I can check off in my twenties.  The Lord has blessed me to be able to travel and explore some of his beautiful creations and I am grateful for that.  I would love to go on a missions trip and serve and I have been praying for those opportunities to arise.  Until then, I will get involved in my city!  What have you been up to during this winter storm? I wanted to share this scripture as we remember our 2014 resolutions and new beginnings for this year. Xo!!! 

Isaiah 43:19

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